Here's the back:
Isn't this fun?
Eric's having a blast too.
Luckily we haven't budgeted anything for t-shirts. So now I'm wondering about intellectual property rights. lol
In other news, I started writing my sister a letter almost a month ago. I suppose I should be finishing it up soon. Last night we bought Season Nine of Seinfeld. God I'd forgotten how much I miss those shows. FUNNY. I guess Jerry S. is a vegetarian too. How cool is that?
Ooooh, I found some pics of things from my childhood. My mom used to sell Avon and she'd buy me these little trinket type things. They were no big deal really, but you know how it is when something's from back then. Seeing them again means everything, particularly now since mom's gone. So there was an Easter bunny pin whose face lifted up with perfume 'creme' in it. Also a gingerbread boy pin, and a ghost finger puppet that glowed in the dark. Inside it was lip smacker. I still remember how that ghost smelled. I think I had a white dog with brown spots pin too. Holy GOD, I just found this online. I can remember how it felt to open the top up.
Now this:
I'm freaking out at this! I'd totally forgotten about it. There's lip stuff inside I think.
Here's the spoon ring from Avon, my mom bought both my sister and me one of our own:
I also had a bunny with a fluffy tail:
Oh my GOD I'm so happy to see this again!! Of course, my tail got slightly grayish from touching it all the time. lol This is kinda like being with my mom again. I guess time travel is possible. Here's another one; the only dog I had as a kid ha ha:
Isn't he so sweet? Now I must find the ghost, I'll be right back: Found him! I forgot his name was Gilroy.
There was this weird texture to him. Not weird really, but cool. Sometimes when I was scared I'd sleep with him, cuz he glowed.
I love Avon to this day. My mom had a white box filled with various lipstick samples. One time Vickie Smith and I took 'Very Cherry' and drew faces on our stomachs! LOL Good times. It's funny how I don't remember where I put my Visa card 2 weeks ago, but I can remember that! My favorite lipstick color was called Baby Orange. I liked it because my mom told me that only I looked good in it with my strawberry blonde hair. I felt quite special. :-) It was also in a dark blue tube and I thought the light orange looked pretty with it.
Here's one more: Fisher Price record player. My favorite was the dark blue record, 'Edelweiss'.
Oh my, I've gone on for longer than I planned. I suppose I'll be going. I hurt my knee yesterday so no treadmill today. I'm going to do a 20 minute pilates class on dvd. Wish me luck.
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