Wednesday, September 28, 2011

New Knitting and Other Stuff

Hey all.  I've been juggling so many knitting projects, I seem to have contracted a BAD case of Starteritis, but now have been diligently, if not effectively, working on them.  And of course starting new ones still!  My latest love is a pattern I came across on Ravelry and then the very next day on Pinterest.  It's called the Stockholm Scarf which is actually an infinity scarf or cowl.  It's on size 10's and w/dk yarn, mine is small worsted, I think it's going to be cushy as all get out.  Especially when I wrap it up double like it calls for.  I'm using Berroco Vintage which is a 40% wool blend.  Got it for $5/skein - using three.  I don't normally care for knitting in black or any dark saturated colors, but this is ok.  I think because it's not a dense fabric that's being created.  This is being done in two pcs. and sewn together.  I'd prefer to do it in the round, but don't prefer to spend at least $20 on a new larger circ. ;-)  Know what I mean Vern?    It calls for the Jeny's Surprisingly Stretchy Bind Off  I'm always a bit trepidatious about doing things for the first time but I know it'll be cool.  "Must be brave, must be brave!"  lol 

 I've also been working, on and off, at grandson's baptism blanket which is a pattern called A Shower of Love.  It's been really fun to knit.  It took a while to get into a groove with it but now I'm thinking of doing another one it's been so nice.  I'm very pleased that I actually did the French Knots.  Like I mentioned earlier, I tend to shy away from new things.  But this was fun!  There's something about needle and thread/yarn.  I love it.  It's very calming.  Anyway, here's my version of it.  Front and back, though I think I'll tie down those blue strands when I'm finished.

Front of blanket with knots

Backside of blanket

Ok, have I ever mentioned that I hate Blogger sometimes?  I can not control where these pics go.  I know it's my fault, but can't they make it easier to figure out?  Sorry 'bout the rant. 

In other news, hubby, son and I took a mini vacation to Duluth, Two Harbors and Gooseberry Falls this past weekend.  Gorgeous.  Lots of hiking.  Perfect weather.  I always feel as though I'm looking out at the ocean in Duluth. 
E at the sea.  Or Lake Superior, as it were.

Gooseberry Falls
Below the Falls @ Gooseberry
Another shot of the Falls.  Sigh.

Just north of Duluth on Hwy 61
It was a lovely get-away.  I'm glad we went.  My favorite part was waking up early on Sunday and going for a walk alone next to the harbor in Superior Wisconsin.  It was cool and cloudy and gorgeous.  It felt like I was the only person on the planet. 

Good to be home again too though.  I've been raking and cleaning the carpet.  :-( 

Yesterday hubby and I went to buy paint at Home Depot.  Off topic:  The scent upon walking into Home Depot is one of the greatest on Earth!  It's the smell of possibility.  Ahhhh!  Happy sigh.  Anyway, back to the story: DH took a couple days off work to hang at home.  Our deck was redone in June but we still hadn't painted it. Off to the HD we go.  We're in line to pay for the paint and what do we see piled before us in all its pink fluffy cotton-candy majesty?  About 20 rolls of R13 faced insulation!  Here's the clincher:  For $5 a roll!!!  HELP ME!  This is an insanely good deal. We've (meaning me) been really wanting to insulate and rock our garage for about the entire 10 years we've lived here.  It's extremely cold  in the winter and is just so unfinished.  So we grabbed 6 rolls, I later went back and bought 2 more, and started in that very day!!!  This hardly ever happens.  I was prepared to just be thrilled that we owned the insulation.  lol  We're going to be adding a ceiling to the garage too and a new window.  Maybe next year for the house's 50th bday we'll get that  :-).  I just can't wait to have a bright and clean shiny new garage. 

Isn't that a beautiful sight?  Answer: YES. 
In other news that shouldn't be as exciting as I make it out to be, but it is:  We got a rounded out shower curtain rod too.  That was due to our vacay in July.  All the hotels had these awesome shower curtain rods.  I didn't think it would fit in our bathroom due to a very tight fit between door jamb and shower, but it's mounted further back on the wall and it feels like heaven.  There's 30% more room in the shower and it's brighter in there too.  Ok, I'll go take a pic.  It truly is the little things in life that are the most exciting.  Or maybe it's just that they happen more often so of course they'll have more impact on your life.  Whatever.  Here's my new rod.  EEK!   
Rounded rod.  Do you see how tight a fit it is there?

Ok, well I guess you can't tell how nice it is inside the shower from here, but it is.  :-) 

WOW - do I digress or what?  I went from signing off to a rant about a shower curtain rod and insulation.  Ah yes, such is the mind of me. 

Thanks for checking in.  Adieu.


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