Monday, August 6, 2012

Olympic Sized Tree Felling :-)

Wow, so last night ds and I heard huge movement on our deck.  Not an uncommon occurrence during a storm as we have a table and chairs out there that are regularly hurled around or at least across the deck during such weather.  However, the next morning I wake up and look out the upstairs bathroom window and BAM! this is what I see:The dead Maple in our backyard that I'd deftly avoided calling to have removed, was no more.  : )  Big relief!  What's more is that there was minimal damage and the cats were having a blast slinking around the branches.  DH had a golf tournament that day so on Sunday we cleaned up the debris.  Now to have our stump ground.  That's all that's left.  I love happy little accidents like that.
In honor of the Olympics, which, despite the 40th anniversary of the Munich Massacre of the 11 Israeli Olympians, refused to honor the dead, I made the pancakes this morning in the shape of the five rings. 
Actually, that's how I always make them but it reminded me of the festivities.  :-) 
Thanks for stopping by.

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