Thursday, October 18, 2012

Hey all, just wanted to post this response I read on Bozell's site.  I do believe it's as thorough, and yet succinct, a description as to what's been going on as I've come across:

JohnSvengali23 days ago
I will coin a phrase that I hope takes off and expresses the failure and abuse of the media, in general. CONSTRUCTIVE DISENFRANCHISEMENT through media malpractice is the effect of when the medium of the press alters its reporting through being intimidated (as with the White House press corps when they ask too many sharp questions, that is, those who actually do -- they get shut out of access.) or biased, the majority of media inaccuracy. The results of omission and factual distortion deprive the public, the voting public, of accurate information to make an informed choice. Hence the result is an indirect form of disenfranchisement.
The schools throughout the country have indoctrinated over a generation of students with leftist presumptions and false, distorted information, attacking our traditions, eliminating historical teaching or modifying it, shifting emphasis away from the core of history and our Constitutional republic. The result is the election of Obama, a person who is most skilled in manipulation and exploitation of the primed audience, who are conditioned to respond to the code words and whose attention span generally comports with the invariably false message of Obama and his ilk.
One needs to only listen to opinions expressed and reporting omissions on outlets such as National Public Radio to hear how news is selectively manipulated and editorialized through the presumptive mindset of the leftist.
Oddly enough, the existence and success of FOX News and its obviously more objective but majority conservative hosted shows gave implied license to the others to become more overtly leftist in their news delivery. They see their own biased reporting as some kind of balance vis-a-vis FOX News, talk radio and the internet. But they are supposed to be news outlets, that is, TV news, newspapers, etc. They have obliterated the line between editorial opinion and news reporting. Hence they have destroyed the medium and in effect deprived the public of truth.

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