Sunday, October 7, 2012

October 7 and just now getting the outdoor stuff up.  I'd love to get a cool witch that, when you pass by her, comes up out of the ground and starts talking to you!  lol  Maybe I'll catch it on clearance.  There's a skeleton like that too.  I think they go from 2' tall to 5'.  I definitely think I'll go back and get another pumpkin to add color in the corner by the step.  There's a white ghost there, but ya can't see it during the day very well.  We finally planted our new shrubs too.  They're so little but they'll grow in nicely.  I can't tell you how much better I feel having some of the landscaping finished up - it's been a year and a half since we tore the nasty huge bushes out of there.  It looked horrible for a long time.  Our poor neighbors.  What lit a fire under me to get my husband and myself out there?  I'm having a piano tuner come on Wednesday and I wanted it to look nicer than it did.  lol  Eventually where the two scarecrow ppl are, we'd like a concrete patio, but that'll be awhile. 

Ok, well, I'm off to enjoy the last of my Sunday. 

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